Top 6 MBA Colleges in India Placement Wise 2025

The Master of Business Administration course started to earn its reputation in Indian educational sector when many foreign companies made it a fact to invest and extend their franchise within the country. The demand for MBA course went high after students started to choose them over other Post Graduate courses. This is because of the industrial and career growth, which every other MBA graduate shall have with. Many universities and colleges located within India started to bring in experts to teach MBA course to the eligible candidates, and today we are about to bring a list of top 6 MBA colleges in India.

The IIM (Indian Institute of Management) located in Ahmedabad stays first at the top 6 list of MBA colleges in India. Although there are many IIM’s present all over the nation, this particular one is known for having a great pay scale for the MBA aspirants who are about to get graduated out of them.The IIM in Bangalore bags the second place, followed up by the Calcutta IIM. Fourth place goes out of the B-school list and XLRI earns it. The fifth place is for Kozhikode IIM and the Delhi IIM deserves the sixth position.

1. Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

IIM Ahmedabad - Top MBA College

2. Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

IIM Bangalore - Best MBA College in India

3. Indian Institute of Management Calcutta

IIM Calcutta - MBA College in India

4. XLRI – Xavier School of Management, Jamshedpur

XLRI - Xavier School of Management, Jamshedpur

5. Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode

IIM Kozhikode

6. Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

IIM Delhi

The top 6 MBA colleges in India list has been created based upon various criteria. For example, the universities, colleges and institutes that are known for providing the financially beneficial MBA course are sorted out based upon the research methodology that are taught to the MBA aspirants, the cut off marks, the permanent faculty numbers and the top accreditation that are earned by them. As there is a huge demand for MBA graduate at both marketing and sales sector in the corporate world, the candidate who is about to choose a campus to pursue MBA course might look over for the minimum salary they can obtain after completing the course with them. The reputation of a MBA course providing institute or university or B School is based upon the minimum salary pay scale which their MBA students get to have at first place. These best MBA colleges in India placement wise are known for providing one hundred percent campus placement opportunity to every other MBA aspirant who is eligible and preferred to take over the course with them.

Aspirants who are about to enter into these top MBA colleges in India 2021 must score good on their GMAT and CAT entrance examinations.

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